We are so proud and privileged to have such an awesome team of leaders, coaches, volunteers and supporters here at The Lodge.
Our leaders work hard to ensure that everything runs smoothly and, more importantly, safely during coaching sessions and events. We have a fantastic established group of experienced riders and skateboarders eager to teach and encourage wherever they go, giving up their time to help and support others.
If you’d like to get involved and become part of our fantastic team, get in touch!
Nikki is The Lodge Charity Chairperson and key leader. Planning and arranging fund raising events, she organises everything and everyone... she is one busy lady!
Rob is the owner of Pro Cycle Centre within The Lodge Skatepark and is on hand to offer help and guidance with all disciplines of wheeled-sports. Rob is the co-ordinator of our Youth Scooter coaching and oversees coaching sessions.
Paul is a key volunteer at The Lodge. He dedicates pretty much all of his spare time to being around and helping in any way he can. He is also our Party Co-ordinator, creating awesome, fun parties for our Birthday kids!
Mike is our resident BMX coach and a brilliant all round talent. Mike helps young people with all wheeled disciplines as well as getting involved with fundraising and events.
‘Chips’ is one of our very talented and experienced Skateboard coaches, he’s also a dab hand at building individual ramps and DIY!
Trav is our key leader within the skateboard groups, leading the development of all age groups in our skateboard coaching sessions.
TRAV on why he teaches skateboarding...
“For the pure love and adoration of the practice of skateboarding; everything that comes with it and how much I genuinely absolutely love it. To see them learning and remembering exactly how it was for me back then. That absolute ecstasy of mastering something and then turning round to see everyone cheering for you. When I see that in the kids’ faces and the determination they have put in up to that moment... it may seem insignificant to the general audience, but for them, it’s basically like some giant ocean parted. I can see the love and passion in them and I can see myself and every single one of my friends in them too. I know they will have a life driven by freedom, creativity and weirdness! Those things in life are forgotten so quickly by everyone outside of something like this and although that’s a deep shame, I selfishly don’t care because I’m a part of it and the people I care about are as well!”
CHIPS on why he teaches skateboarding...
"Many reasons; I feel that it is good for me personally as I am not that outgoing as a person. I think if a child has an interest in skateboarding, they can come and learn the basics with others who are in the same situation; so that when they go to a skatepark they will feel less intimidated. It's really rewarding to witness the progression also."
ELLIS on how he got into skateboarding...
"A gradual progression sparked by a great interest and desire at a young age followed by absolute infatuation, which has just got stronger and stronger. I don't really know if anyone ever knows why they start but you can always tell the kids who are immediately encapsulated by it and who will never ever be able to stop. I am one of them, the people I skate with everyday are all them as well and the children we help and skate with are definitely on that path."
SAM on why he skateboards...
“There are a few things in life which make me feel really free and which whilst doing them I don’t think about anything else other than being totally in the moment. Skateboarding is one of them and has always been. As I get older the importance of it becomes more and more apparent and it has been such a big part of my life for so long that I couldn’t ever not do it.”
MIKE HAWMAN - Our resident coach, BMX expert
Team Lodge rider and all round great guy hosts the Monday evening sessions. He oversees the coaching and the open sessions with his relaxed personable fun approach and the vibe he creates is comfortable; it’s just like being part of a family.
Mike on why he teaches BMX...
"I teach BMX because I believe its an activity that teaches social and life skills like nothing else, i came from a broken home but found solace in riding my bike with my friends, i made more and more friends from all over the world along the way, BMX is family…like literally. I want kids to understand exactly what BMX is and what it has done for me, its an escape, its a way to connect, its a way of life and its the one thing you can know for sure that you’re not alone."
"Be you, live with Passion. its as simple as that, if you’re passionate about BMX then you’ll know, just never let anyone say you can’t do anything, there will always be naysayers but jealousy is an ugly thing. Strive to be the best person you can be and let BMX be what gets you through."
Experienced and talented easy going guy, always keen to help the younger kids progress and learn new tricks and skills!
Takes scooter riding very seriously and can achieve some crazy high tricks! A Team Lodge demo rider, Joseph is happiest when he is on the skatepark! Brilliant and thoughtful with the youngsters and can be found most Sundays helping at the Parties.
Enjoys his coaching sessions and is always extremely well mannered and thoughtful especially with the less confident learners. A quietly talented rider.
Youngest of our coaches, always busy perfecting new tricks for demos and keeping the coaching sessions fresh, attending and eventually volunteering at The Lodge for 4 years and loves every minute!
A new Team Lodge member and always on hand for help and assistance on the skatepark. Bailey has great experience and skills in all wheeled sports.

Our Sponsors & Supporters
We Would Like To Thank...
RPM Building Supplies - Bayside Graphics
Pro Cycle Centre - Rotary Club GFIVEDESIGN
Sherwood’s - Dartmoor Vale Rotary - Devon County Council - Space (Youth Services) - Firewatch
Chris Allen’s Electricals - Active Mums
Greenover Action Sports - Wheeled Sports Academy

Chris is one of our talented coaches; he has years of experience in teaching disengaged young people. He delivers our 1 to 1 sessions and school programmes with WSA. A highly qualified, passionate and dedicated coach.
Sam is a fun loving, enthusiastic and passionate about everything skateboarding kind of guy. He will inspire anyone to take up wheeled sports. He’s a teacher by day, coach in the evenings and runs our Thursday nights. He offers 1 to 1 sessions too. You’re guaranteed to be hooked on wheels after just one of his sessions.
He’s one of our dedicated skateboard instructors. With over 12 years’ experience in skateboard coaching, he coaches all the beginners and intermediate level classes on Tuesdays and Thursday from 5pm and attends the Tuesday nights skateboard night.